We hope our parents will find this section particularly useful. It outlines ways that you can become more involved with the work of the academy and ways to help children learn.
You are welcome to make arrangements to see a member of staff by contacting one of the staff mentioned in this section or calling at our reception office. We will be delighted to hear your ideas or discuss any points more fully. Our Reception Office also contains a suggestions box which is emptied weekly. In some cases ideas are implemented immediately and in other cases they are factored into the academy improvement cycle.

Telephone: 01303 251390

E-Mail: [email protected]

The work of St Mary’s does not begin and end with reading writing and maths. Important though academic work is, these skills mean very little if each child does not receive all round care and a stimulating supportive environment, both at school and home, based on the values of helping one another.
To support the wider work we have very important members of staff who work across the school to promote all round care.

They are:

Mrs Kerry Murray

KS2 Pastoral Leader

Miss Grace-Louise Wroe

KS1 Pastoral Leader

As part of a team they work closely with individual parents and families. They are usually available in the mornings and at the end of school to meet with parents. They can offer support in a variety of ways, for example, listening to worries and if necessary helping parents to meet with teachers and other key staff. Sometimes they can make appointments for parents and even attend with them if they need help from the council or other agencies. At other times they can provide a sympathetic ear and a cup of tea.