
Our curriculum has been designed so that pupils at St Mary’s gain the knowledge, skills and wisdom to be able to flourish in God’s world. We want them to develop what they will need to succeed at secondary school but importantly, also have a love of learning and a sense of their own agency and importance in the world. We want them to feel they have a voice and a stake in the future. Ultimately, we have designed our curriculum to make sure that all our pupils learn to care and advocate for themselves, their community and their world.

Our Intent

Our curriculum has been built in carefully sequenced steps to ensure that children explore the breadth and depth of all subjects. We offer a broad and balanced approach that values the importance of reading, writing and mathematics, but that also ensures children develop a solid foundation in wider curriculum subjects. We believe that all children should develop a rich and deep subject knowledge, while also having the opportunity to develop and apply their knowledge, skills and wisdom in a variety of contexts.

We aim to motivate our children and deepen their understanding through providing them with a range of educational experiences both in and beyond the classroom. Where possible, we link these to our local community, its history and its culture, and try to give children experiences that enrich, deepen and contextualise their learning.